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Procise Akademy

Lean Management

Get to know the Lean Management methods and learn how to use the tools correctly for the continuous improvement of processes!

Lean Management:

  • Introduction Lean Management

  • History of Lean Managements


  • Value stream (Work in process)

  • Fishbone diagram for root cause analysis

  • 8 types of waste (Muda)

  • The 5S method in an office/production

  • Fault-tolerant processes and products with Poka Yoke

  • Application of lean methods for the development of target processes

  • Kaizen as a method for the continuous improvement of daily business processes

  • Project management basics for the efficient implementation of optimization measures

  • Selection of the right key figures to set up a continuous process management

  • Establishment of a performance management system (Kanban Board)

The training is aimed at project managers and process managers who want to use the lean management method to optimize business processes and establish a continuous improvement process (CIP).

  • After you have registered for the course, an email will be sent to you within 24h with your login details for the learning platform.

  • Your invoice (€ 99  plus VAT) will be sent to you in another email

  • approximative 2.5 hours


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